I launched the Escape Pod and soon faced a heavy and confused sea at the harbour entrance with the jetty being washed in spray. As for my balance I was going to the limit. In my pre-Moskito days I wouldn't have had a chance staying upright in this boat in such a sea. Slowly and super concentrated I worked my way towards the coast and soon faced a more regular sea. Then I could relax and power on down the coast. No swim today.
It's March, it's bitter cold and I've taken a liking to paddle in mostly the same gear I use when running. Not sure what I'll do in case I capsize. Most likely I'll just run for the club - since I'm wearing the running tights already..
The Escape Pod performed admirable. Sure the bow was sometimes deeply buried in the waves - more so than with Miss M. - but I don't feel this had a noticeable slowing effect. The rudder worked like a charm. The tiller control is way better tuned than those in the Inuk and Moskito.
The onshore wind may continue - the pod and I are ready.

Escape Pod understern rudder